Scars Treatment

Functional and aesthetic improvement

Clinical Trials Case Reports

Hypertrophic and acne scars treatment

A serious issue in cosmetology is the removal of scars due to injuries, various diseases and as a result of cosmetic procedures. Therefore, an effective scar treatment is in high demand in the aesthetic medicine. The formation of fibrous tissue is customary considered irreversible. In other words, if a scar was formed, it can only be "smoothed" but not reduced in size. Even more so, it is not possible to remove the scar by replacing the fibrous tissue with the fully functional one. This viewpoint, however, is changed due to a new scars treatment technique from LINLINE.

To reduce the scars, we suggest using both the scar correction method by laser ablation and the treatment method, that is, the destruction of fibrous tissue and the RecoSMA™ stimulation of the growth of new, functional tissue. RecoSMA™ can effectively be used for the treatment of hyper-, norma- and atrophic scars (including post acne and striae).

  • Related products:
    Er:YAG Laser Head (2936nm)
    SMA module

Treatment for keloid scars

Treatment of keloid scars is a very difficult task due to the fact that for any traumatic effect (surgical excision, freezing, grinding) the keloid scar is responding with even greater growth.
One of the ideas of using lasers for the treatment of keloid scars is the coagulation of the blood vessels that feed the scar. This method can give very good results provided the procedure is highly selective in order to avoid overheating of the scar tissue.

The original method of ultra-selective blood vessel coagulation, developed by our company, can effectively affect the keloid. Keloid tissue volume decreases from procedure to procedure and the keloid scar is transformed into hyper- or normotrophic. Subsequent ablation by Er:YAG laser and stimulation of reparation RecoSMA™ are performed until a satisfactory result is obtained.

  • Related products:
    Nd:YAP/Q-sw/KTP Laser Head (1079nm + 540nm)
    Er:YAG Laser Head (2936nm)
    SMA module
Click to watch before/after results

Feature Highlights

Ablative reduction of the scar
  • Doesn't require anesthesia
  • Does not cause growth of scar
  • Does not cause hyperpigmentation
  • Short downtime
Recovery treatment
  • Doesn't require anesthesia
  • Gradual functional tissue repair
  • Scar reduction
  • Increased scar elasticity
  • Does not affect the natural pigmentation
  • Short downtime