Tattoo removal

Selective and Safe Removal of Tattoos of any Colour

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Ultra-selective photodestruction of tattoos

Various methods are used for tattoo removal – chemical, mechanical, thermal and laser. The main problem of all non-laser methods is the formation of scars. The use of laser methods has allowed making significant progress in solving the problem of tattoo removal. However, the use of a laser does not guarantee good aesthetic results.

There are many different lasers, and they have completely different effects on biological tissues. When using carbon dioxide or erbium lasers (non-selective methods), the tattoo pigment is removed along with the skin containing it making this method very similar to non-laser ones. The result of such removal is also very far from ideal – a scar forms where the tattoo was.

Selective methods of tattoo removal using long-pulse lasers regardless of the wavelength used (neodymium, alexandrite, diode, ruby, metal vapour, argon, etc.) also, in most cases, cause scarring. This is because the thermal relaxation time of the dye particles is significantly shorter than the duration of the laser pulses used in these devices. Thereby great heat loss from the pigmented area to the surrounding tissues is inevitable causing them to overheat up to coagulation and, consequently, leading to scarring.

The only method which allows destructing tattoo dye leaving surrounding tissues intact is the method of selective photodestruction of tattoo using Q-Sw pulses. In this case, the process is non-thermal, and the destruction of the dye particles occurs through the formation of a powerful acoustic wave inside the pigment which is thus physically destroyed.

Unfortunately, in practice, it turned out that the use of classical Q-Sw pulses allows achieving good aesthetic results only in the case of superficial tattoos. The deeper the tattoo dye is the higher the risk of scarring. The reason for this is the fact that when Q-Sw pulses are absorbed, the efficiency of its absorption increases up to 100%. As a result, all pulse energy is absorbed by the uppermost levels of the tattoo. It means that laser pulse is not able to penetrate deep into the skin to destroy the dye located at greater depth. To destroy it, it is necessary to increase the energy of laser pulses, which leads to an increase in the power of acoustic waves and, accordingly, the depth of their penetration. These waves, formed on the skin’s surface, destroy deeply located pigment. Unfortunately, such waves have a destructive impact not only on the tattoo dye particles but also on all biological tissues got in their way.

The new unique method of selective photodestruction of tattoo dye developed by LINLINE considers the mechanisms of optical, thermal and nonlinear selectivity. This method is that the Q-Sw pulse is divided into a train of Q-Sw pulses of lower energy. As a result, every pulse of the train causes fragmentation of dye. Thus, one train is needed for layer-by-layer fragmentation of all tattoo layers without creating powerful acoustic waves that can damage surrounding tissues.

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Feature highlights

  • Anesthesia is not necessary
  • There is no risk of scarring
  • No affect on natural pigmentation
  • Excellent results for tattoos of any colour