Our Technology
Unordinary light for unordinary treatments
Adjustable train of laser pulses
High-performance selective photothermolysis
The unique technical solution of our lasers allows to generate a train of ultrashort (Q-switched) laser pulses in a single flash.
This type of laser generation produces a combined photothermal and photomechanical effect on biological tissues. Due to the fine tuning of the number, shape and frequency of pulses, as well as the use of several wavelengths in one train, we achieve an ultra-selective effect on the main biological chromophores.

Spatially modulated laser ablation
RecoSMA™ - stimulation of reparative regeneration
We have developed an original method of spatial distribution of the laser beam to induce mechanical microdamage of cell structures with the aim of stimulating the reparative regeneration of biological tissues.
This injury has a local, non-thermal nature and does not create an open wound surface, which reduces the risk of infection and shortens the recovery time.
Clinical studies have shown the high efficiency of this method for the restoration of all structures of biological tissues, including soft tissues, vascular and lymphatic systems. Stimulation of the regenerative process allows tissue repair with age-related changes and serious pathological changes.